Jernej Virag ئاپەکان

Jernej Virag
Bicikel is an app for every user of Bicikeljbicycle renting system in Ljubljana. It'll show you just where isthe closest Bicikelj station and how many bicycles and free spacesare left there.Station data is updated in realtime.
Parkomat 1.1.1
Jernej Virag
Aplikacija Parkomat nudi preprosti vmesnik zaplačevanje parkirnine v Ljubljani preko sistema SMS Urbana parking.Pozor: Ta aplikacija je le enostaven vmesnik do Urbana SMSparking sistema. Avtor s podjetjem LPT ni povezan in za uporabomorate še vedno napolniti svoj Urbana SMS račun na urbanomatu.Parkomat applicationprovides a simple interface for the payment of parking fees inLjubljana via SMS Urbana parking.Warning: This app is just simple interface to Urbana SMS parkingsystem. Posted by businesses not connected to LPT and manual youstill need to charge your account at Urbana SMS urbanomatu.
Slovenian traffic 1.9.1
Jernej Virag
Application to show you current status of all Slovenian roadsincluding traffic jams, accidents, roadworks and everything else adriver needs to know. The information is available in English orSlovenian language.